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151 6888 2846

热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2021-01-18 发布人:
For Jinan shutter door installation technicians, in the work need to pay attention to a lot of problems, in addition to some technical problems, in the installation process also need to pay attention to a lot of safety facilities.
制作卷帘门在操作使用过程中,操作人员不得擅自离开操作地点,应密切注意启闭情况和执行情况,在启闭时卷帘下面不准有人站立、走动。以防止行程开关失灵,卷帘卡死,电机受阻和发生其它事故。 防火分区和防火隔断的钢质防火卷帘平时不作频繁使用,一旦区域发生火情,卷帘应有效地投入使用。带有联动控制、控制控制的自动控制防火卷帘必须根据一套控制指令程序进行。
During the operation and use of the rolling shutter door, the operator shall not leave the operation site without authorization, and shall pay close attention to the opening and closing situation and the implementation situation. No one is allowed to stand or walk under the rolling shutter when opening and closing. In order to prevent travel switch failure, roller shutter stuck, motor blocked and other accidents. The steel fire shutter of fire compartment and fire partition should not be used frequently at ordinary times. In case of fire in the area, the shutter should be put into use effectively. The automatic control fire shutter with linkage control and central control center control must be carried out according to a set of control instruction program.
Steel fire shutter is an important fire-fighting facility for fire compartment and partition in public places. It is a fire-fighting product with comprehensive mechanical and electrical performance, so the installed fire-proof shutter should always be in a normal state. In the process of using the steel fire shutter, the special equipment should be used and kept by special personnel, and have certain basic knowledge of electrician and machinery.
卷帘门在使用过程中一旦发现异常情况应立即采取紧急措施,切断输入电源,排除故障。防火卷帘应建立定期保养制度,并做好每樘卷帘的保养记录工作,备案存档。长期不启闭的卷帘半年必须保养一次,内容为尘圾,涂刷油漆,对传动部份的链轮滚子链加润滑油生平等。 检查电器线路和电器设备是否损坏,运转是否正常,能否符合各项指令,如有损坏和不符要求时应立即检修。
In the course of using the rolling shutter door, once the abnormal situation is found, emergency measures should be taken immediately to cut off the input power and eliminate the fault. Regular maintenance system shall be established for fire shutter, and maintenance records of each shutter shall be kept for filing. The roller blinds that have not been opened or closed for a long time must be maintained once half a year. The contents include eliminating dust, painting, adding lubricating oil to the chain wheel and roller chain of the transmission part, etc. Check whether the electrical circuit and electrical equipment are damaged, whether the operation is normal, and whether they can meet the instructions. If they are damaged or not, they should be repaired immediately.

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