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151 6888 2846

热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2022-10-22 发布人:
The garage electric door cannot fall to the ground. The Jinan roller shutter door manufacturer thinks that the adjustment of the garage electric door can be carried out through the following steps: find the FUNC button on the control board, press the INC button, and debug the limit according to the indicator light. The details are as follows:
1、 First find the FUNC key of the control board. First press the FUNC key on the control board. If the indicator light flashes, we press the FUNC key again for more than eight seconds, so that the indicator light will be completely lit. This is the time to enter the debugging phase of the garage door.
2、 Then press the INC key and press the INC key. At this time, the motor will move towards the door opening direction, and then continue to press and hold the key until it reaches the appropriate position, we release the key; Press DEC key after operation.
3、 After the above steps of the indicator light are completed, we press the FUNC key, and the indicator light will flash continuously at this time. After the indicator light is on again, we can debug the lower limit.
4、 In fact, the lower limit debugging of the debugging limit is similar to the above steps. When it is finished, you can press the FUNC key until the flashing light flashes, indicating that our lower limit debugging has been completed.
How to adjust the electric door of the garage? The above explains the content of the problem from several aspects. You can come to us anytime if you have any ideas about it http://www.jnzxmy.com Share and communicate to find a better way to cope.

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