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151 6888 2846

热门关键词: 水晶折叠门 水晶卷帘门 抗风卷帘门




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来源:http://www.jnzxmy.com 日期:2020-12-17 发布人:
We all know that the expansion screw is often used when installing the rolling shutter door, but it is not a simple thing to fix the expansion screw well. Jinan Fuqiang door industry engaged in the installation of rolling shutter door practice, accumulated experience, here and friends to share.
For ordinary rolling shutter doors, expansion screws are used at the joint of the curtain, the box and the wall. The expansion screws are also used for fixing the track. The expansion screws are used for the wheel discs on both sides of the electric reel for the electric doors. The expansion screws are also used for the square plates on both sides of the bag box and the electric door track.

When using an electric hammer to punch the expansion screw hole, because of the different structural composition in the wall, when using the same expansion screw, the expansion screw nut is tightened to the high limit, and the expansion force is different. In case of soft structural components, the expansion strength will not meet the requirements. In such a case, it is also necessary to adjust the larger expansion screw to equip, and how large the expansion screw is, It depends on whether the screw can be tightened to the high limit and whether it can meet the strength requirements.
But there will be special cases, even if the expansion screw can not meet the requirements. We will use the appropriate metal screw rod to penetrate the wall, fix the back of the fixed surface, weld the appropriate metal rod and the metal rod penetrating the wall firmly, and then fix the other components on the front of the wall. Only in this way can we ensure that the rolling shutter door is installed firmly and durable, so that customers can feel comfortable and at ease.

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